Level 4 Single Unit Paralegal Studies

NALP’s Level 4 single subject Paralegal study units give you a sound knowledge of specific areas of English Civil Law.

  • Launch your Paralegal career in a specific area of the law
  • Expand your legal knowledge to progress your career

Our Level 4 is  considered as a benchmark study level across the legal sector and is regulated by Ofqual.

Who should enrol?

Perfect if you want to expand your knowledge, especially if your job requires you to have very specific knowledge and skills.

Available Level 4 Single Subject Study Units

Contract Law

Learn the core aspects of Contract Law, including contract formation, legal relationships, legalities around restraint of trade and much more. 

English Legal System

Understand far more about the English legal system, including the nature and development of English law, its sources and how judges interpret and apply the law.

Criminal Law

Gain a greater understanding of the rules of criminal law and how breaches of these laws are punished.

Wills, Intestacy & Family Provision

Learn about what happens to possessions and effects upon a person’s death, including who is entitled to them.

Civil Litigation

Understand the general jurisdiction of both County & High Courts and how to progress an action for a claim through the courts.

Criminal Practice

Gain an understanding of what happens from the start to the completion of a criminal prosecution, from arrest onwards.

Law of Tort

Gain practical skills  and understand the rules requiring persons to have a duty of care towards other persons and to compensate others if there has been a breach of that duty of care.

Matrimonial & Civil Partnerships

Learn about the relationship or marriage and about civil partnerships, and how they can be terminated.


Gain practical skills that will help you understand the various ways that legal estate can be held and transferred.


Learn about the procedure for winding up the estate of a person who leaves a will, and those who do not.

How this course is studied

Distance learning, class attendance or blended learning - check with your centre

All course material is provided on enrolment. Our approach to learning includes case studies and scenarios, allowing you to apply your knowledge and preparing your practical skills to work as a paralegal. 

How long will it take me to complete?

You have six months to complete any individual study unit.

Course fees

Course fees are set by the training centre. To find a NALP approved Training Centre, click here.


These qualifications are designed to be offered to learners from the age of 16, although in practice the majority of learners are likely to be over 18.

NALP does not specify entry requirements other than that a reasonable standard of written English is required. However, Centres delivering this course are required to ensure that learners who undertake these programmes have sufficient capability at the right level to be suitable to undertake Level 4 assessment.


These single subject qualifications provide you with additional skills and knowledge to increase your employability. If you wish to expand your knowledge of English Law by taking a full Level 4 Certificate, these study units would be recognised as Prior Learning.