The legal profession is failing people with mental health issues – this needs to change

One of our licensed paralegals, Caroline Spencer-Brown, highlights the instinct failure by the legal profession in obtaining proper and full assessments of clients suffering from one or more mental health issues. coverage in: Psychreg: 11th August 2020 Birmingham Law Society Bulletin: September/October 2020 Liverpool Law: September 2020 The Barrister: 1st October 2020

Dispelling the myths and assumptions about paralegals

With the paralegal profession now acknowledged as the fastest growing within the legal services sector, it’s important to dispel some of the myths and incorrect assumptions that surround the title, especially when it comes to matters relating to knowledge managment and best practice. coverage in: Absolute Magazine: 21st October 2021 Technologgie: 21st October 2021 Life […]

Getting work as a Paralegal

If the COVID-19 pandemic has made you rethink your career path, perhaps a career as a paralegal could be the way forward. Amanda Hamilton, our CEO, takes you through, from where to start to starting work as a paralegal. coverage in: Regalier Magazine: July 27th 2020 Kent Business Radio: July 2020 Barrister Magazine: July 14th […]

Sign on the dotted line

Amanda Hamilton, CEO of NALP, looks at where businesses stand regarding contract law during the coronavirus pandemic. coverage in: Gift Focus: July/August 2020 Craft Focus: August/September 2020

Will Brexit affect PI Paralegals?

There is so much information on Brexit but it’s difficult to know how it will effect you and your career. CEO, Amanda Hamilton, explains how Brexit will impact your career as a paralegal. coverage in: PIBULJ.COM: 30th June 2020 The Barrister: 1st October 2020

Does Legal Professional Privilege apply to Paralegal Lawyers?

Legal Professional Privilege has been part of Common Law for over 400 years. Amanda Hamilton, our CEO, and Jane Robson, our Director of Compliance and Regulation, discuss whether this applies to independent paralegals Coverage in: Birmingham Law Society: June 2020

Helping law firms get back to work post Covid- 19

The lockdown affected our lives in many ways. Amanda Hamilton, CEO, explores how law firms can get back to business and the benefits of taking on lower-paying clients in a post-Covid world. Coverage in: The PIBULJ: 6th August 2021 Lawyer Monthly: 17th July 2020 The University of Law: 2nd July 2020 The Messenger, North West […]

What can you do about your insurance?

Many nursery businesses are deeply concernd about their future as COVID-19 continues to bring the UK to a standstill. Our CEO, Amanda Hamilton, talks about what nurseries can do regarding their insurance.. Coverage in: Nursery Management Today: May/June 2020