National Paralegal Register

How to use the National Paralegal Register

If you are a consumer or small business with a legal problem and you don’t know where to turn for help and advice – check the  National Paralegal Register (NPR) to find a qualified, licensed paralegal to assist you.

Alternatively, if you are an employer looking for a paralegal or wishing to check a membership level, the NPR can help there too.

Paralegals are qualified and trained in law and legal procedures – just like other legal professionals, but they charge much less than solicitors or barristers. Paralegals can do almost everything that a solicitor can do with certain exceptions called ‘reserved activities’. Paralegals are qualified to guide you through most legal processes allowing you to gain access to justice at a reasonable cost.

How to use the National Paralegal Register:

If you are looking for a paralegal to assist you with a legal issue:

  1. Use the ‘region’, ‘legal expertise’ and ‘membership level’ filters to generate a shortlist.
  2. If you are looking for a paralegal practitioner who can provide legal services direct to you or your business, then you need to tick the box for those with a ‘Licence to Practice’.
  3. Once you have your shortlist, then click on the ‘Contact’ button to get in touch.


If you want to check that a paralegal is a NALP member:

Either use the name filter, or use the other filters, if you are unsure of the exact spelling
(only current NALP members will be listed on the National Paralegal Register).

If you locate someone and they have no ‘contact’ button, it is because they are an Affiliate (Learner) or have chosen not to be contacted.

All members on the register will have their membership category listed and some will indicate their areas of expertise and whether they are Licenced to Practise.

There is more information about the membership categories at the bottom of the page.

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Find a paralegal

Legal Expertise
Membership type
Licence to practise
Licence to practise

Jill Harris-Kuhn

Affiliate member
West Midlands

Kameka Malabre

Affiliate member

Edwin Johnson

Affiliate member
South East

Adanna Alaoma

Affiliate member
Eastern region

Emily Newton

Affiliate member
South East

Muhammed Husian

Affiliate member

Philippa Best

Fellow (2)
North West

Jacqueline Burford

Affiliate member
South East

Shanya Lovell-Jeffers

Associate member
West Midlands

Paul Tuppen-Griffiths

Associate member
Eastern region

Emily Newton

Affiliate member

Gary Smith

Fellow (1)
Legal expertise
- Consumer Law
- Finance Law
West Midlands

Anthony O’Mara

Affiliate member
West Midlands

Amy-Leigh Stokes

Affiliate member
West Midlands

Anna Walmsley

Associate member
North West

Membership categories

Affiliate – usually a Learner i.e. someone who is currently studying for a paralegal qualification
Paralegal Technician – a member who has a level 3 legal qualification
A.NALP – an Associate Member i.e. someone who has a Level 4 Paralegal Qualification or at least 3 years’ relevant legal experience
Grad.NALP – a Law Graduate
F.NALP – a Fellow i.e., a member who has either a level 6 qualification and at least 3 years’ relevant legal experience or a minimum of 5 years’ relevant legal experience
PF.NALP – Principal Fellow i.e., a member with at least 10 years’ relevant legal experience