Introducing New Board Member – Malcolm Trotter

Amanda Hamilton, CEO of National Association of Licensed Paralegals
Amanda Hamilton

Malcolm Trotter, new board member

We are delighted to welcome Malcolm Trotter to the governing board of National Association of Licensed Paralegals, he’ll be a fantastic asset to our board and we look forward to him joining our next meeting.

About Malcolm

Malcolm is an international education professional who works with membership associations, sector, government bodies and private corporations to improve the relevancy and quality of knowledge and skills development. After spending 30+ years in corporate, state and not for profit organisations (mainly focussed on education and training), Malcolm has an extensive understanding of how to create and provide high quality technical and vocational learning to meet the current and future skills needs of organisations and of the individuals themselves.

Malcolm has in-depth experience of standard setting (in relation to accounting, payroll, entrepreneurship and business skills) and in the design, with employers and sector bodies, of related curriculum, qualifications and assessment (including work-based). He also has worked as a Government Inspector of Vocational Training for 10+ years. He is a former member of the Boards of professional bodies in the UK and South Africa and was a Lay Member of the Governance Committee of the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals from 2010-2017.

His experience

Prior to 2001, Malcolm was a lecturer in finance and management and Head of Faculty in a top UK Further and Higher Education College, joining it after having spent several years in commerce. From 2001-2006, he was the Director of Education of two professional bodies, including achieving and maintaining Government accreditation. Also since 2001, he has been a member of the Advisory Council of the Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative, the UK standard setting body for business start-up and business support qualifications and is currently its Chairman. Since 2014, Malcolm has also provided support to Employer Groups developing new Apprenticeships in England in the Accounting and Payroll sectors. In 2017, he was appointed by the Department for Education to the T level Professional Panel directing the development of new technical qualifications in Accounting due for launch nationally in England in 2021 as a vocational alternative to A levels. Malcolm is the former International Vice President of two global associations in the accounting sector, having previously been the CEO of both from 2006-2017.

Malcolm is a qualified accountant and his post-graduate development has included being granted Fellowship of the Institute of Travel and Tourism (by thesis) and the award of Certificate of Education (further and adult education). He is also an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs.

Amanda Hamilton, CEO of National Association of Licensed Paralegals
Amanda Hamilton

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