Paralegals: the future of legal services

The way the legal sector is developing means that fewer and fewer consumers will be able to afford the services of solicitors or barristers because of the fees that are being charged. This, fuelled by the lack of legal aid, will mean that more and more consumers will be turning to alternative professions to assist […]

Covid Scams and Rollercoasters

From our friends at Finders International: The guys at Finders are prolific content writers and we have published many of their articles on this site, but we thought we would try something different this time. We’ve summarised four of their latest articles so that you can see which ones you would like to read in […]

Two things a Paralegal must never do

The legal services industry is opening up. This has given consumers the opportunity to attain access to justice at reasonable costs. More and more paralegals are now Licensed to Practice and are now opening up their own firms. This is great for the paralegals and for consumers, but there are two things a paralegal must […]