The top three legal myths

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What are the top three legal myths? Many of us have a basic understanding of some aspects of the law, but there are a few areas where myths seem to persist. For example, is there such a thing as a Common Law wife or husband? Does a Will guarantee your wishes will be followed after […]

Re-negotiating your office lease

what is a paralegal

Re-negotiating your office lease It’s been a long and difficult year, but with many of us already vaccinated and the outlook looking positive for a slow release of lockdown, you may be considering getting back to work in your office premises. For most businesses the biggest expenditure is paying for office premises, especially in London […]

What will be the growth area for paralegals as we come out of lockdown?


Growth area for paralegals There is no doubt that Covid has affected all our lives in an unprecedented way. Fortunately, we are now seeing a slow recovery from lockdown, but we have yet to see the serious after-effects, mental, physical, economical and legal, on individuals and businesses. Only time will give us this information. As […]

Can your employer force you to work from home or the office?

Do Paralegals Work From Home

Can your employer force you? As we slowly get back to some kind of normality, the question arises whether or not your employer can force you to continue working from home if you don’t wish to do so, or vice versa? What is in your contract? The answer to this question depends, in a small […]

How have paralegals fared during the pandemic?


Paralegals during the pandemic Within the legal profession it has long been regarded that paralegals are the support staff to solicitors, since many are graduates who are seeking to become solicitors at the end of day. Arguably, they accept the role of paralegal within the firm, to gain experience and with the hope that eventually, […]

Dispelling the myths and incorrect assumptions about paralegals

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With the Paralegal Profession being acknowledged as the fastest growing within the legal services sector, it’s important to dispel some of the myths and incorrect assumptions that surround the sector. 1. ‘All Paralegals are law graduates who wish to become solicitors or barristers’ This premise is just wrong: many graduates still aspire to enter these […]

What personal development is available to paralegals?

paralegal getting ready, wearing a suit and tie

Continue to develop your paralegal skills with our top tips One of the reasons the paralegal profession is such an appealing career choice is that there are lots of opportunities for personal development. You won’t leave your first job without being able to navigate a busy office, skillfully use various office software platforms and speak […]

What are my consumer rights?

What are your Consumer Rights when buying online or at a distance – By Amanda Hamilton As a consumer, you have rights. The main statute that protects our interests as consumers is the Consumer Rights Act 2015. The unprecedented times we are experiencing means that more and more people are buying all, or most of, […]

Working as a Paralegal is not just a ‘stepping stone’

Working as a Paralegal is not just a steppingstone

Not just a route to being a solicitor! For some years, after the term ‘paralegal’ became known in the English Legal sector (having originated in the US), the definition became synonymous with ‘a graduate who wanted to become a solicitor’ and used ‘paralegal work’ as a steppingstone to gaining that elusive training contract. For many, […]