Can working as a paralegal be a stepping stone to being a solicitor?

The short answer is, yes. If you are working in the legal sector as a paralegal, it can count towards your two years’ qualifying work experience should you wish to go on to do your SQE (Solicitors’ Qualifying Examination). The slightly longer answer is that it doesn’t have to be. Working as a paralegal practitioner […]

How to answer legal exam/assignment questions

Few people love taking exams, and even if you know the answer to the question, formulating it in the correct way to ensure the best exam or assignment results can be a challenge. But don’t worry, there is a knack to it that you can learn. Legal questions can be asked in two ways on […]

Are qualifications really worth the time and money?

If you are going to invest in yourself and your future career prospects by studying to gain a recognised qualification, this will come at a cost both financially and in the commitment of your time and effort. When making an investment (or any expenditure), you really want to be sure that the future value you […]

The Advantages and Limitations to a business that utilises the services of a paralegal

By Amanda Hamilton, Patron, National Association of Licensed Paralegals (NALP) When running a business, you are always mindful of costs, and when something goes wrong, the immediate thought is ‘how much is it going to cost to put it right?’ If that something happens that has an element of legality, it’s natural to turn to […]

How Paralegals can ensure they are offering the best service to clients and that they are not breaking the rules around ‘Holding Out’

By Amanda Hamilton, Patron of the National Association of Licensed Paralegals (NALP), As a paralegal practitioner, one of the most important issues to bear in mind when offering legal services to consumers, is to ensure that you are not ‘holding out’. What is ‘Holding Out’? This is when you give an impression either by inference […]

The battle between law and AI: Navigating legal challenges in the defence sector.

By Yasmin Underwood, defence consultant and member of the National Association of Licensed Paralegals (NALP) Four years ago, I took a bold leap away from the safety blanket of my traditional legal career path, into the complex, everchanging world of defence technology. As someone who has been used to working within the familiar comfort of […]

How to represent yourself in court as a Litigant in Person

Hopefully you’ll never be in a situation where someone is forcing you into court to defend yourself. But no matter how hard you may try to ‘stay away from trouble’ sometimes it finds you, even if it is thoroughly unprovoked, and you may have no option but to go to court. Your three options If […]

Could 2024 be the year for a legal apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships have been around for hundreds of years. They were started in England by the Statute of Artificers in 1563. Whilst the popularity of apprenticeships declined in the early 1900s, they have seen a resurgence thanks to the introduction of Modern Apprenticeships in 1992, providing more opportunities for school leavers in a wider variety of […]

What is the true impact of the virtual eradication of legal aid?

In April 2013 The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) came into force. This statute introduced funding cuts to legal aid, resulting in fewer consumers of legal services being able to gain access to advice and assistance. The coalition government’s motivation behind introducing this was, amongst other reasons, to reduce the […]