NALP is recognised as an awarding organisation by Ofqual, the regulator of qualifications in England offering accredited recognised professional paralegal qualifications and legal training for a career in the field of law.
NALP is registered with the United Kingdom Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP)
Centres may also find it useful to look at the latest funding news from the ESFA (Education & Skills Funding Agency)

We have opportunities for UK Further and Higher Education Learning Providers to run the following courses for which NALP Centre Approval is required: (see below the necessary requirements to become a NALP Centre)
1) Read the NALP Centre Handbook
2) NALP Centre Approval Application Form
Tel: 0207 112 8034
3) Fees
The Cost of applying for Centre Approval is £480 for UK Centres and £1,100 for overseas Centres (payable annually)
There is also a cost payable for each Learner enrolment which is payable either by the Centre or by the learner directly to NALP
Please submit the completed forms to:
NALP Centre Approvals
Office 1 1st Floor Dragon Bridge House
253/259 Whitehall Road
Leeds LS12 6ER
or email: